User selections

The BipUserSelect class is in charge of regrouping several methods allowing to interact with the user selections.

As of now this class contains only static methods.

BipUserSelect API

class bip.gui.BipUserSelect

Class for helping with interfacing with user selection.

This class contains only static method for now.

static get_curr_highlighted_str()

Return the currently highlighted identifier or None if nothing is highlighted. This get it from the current view.

Returns:The string of the highlighted object or None if nothing is highlighted.
static get_curr_highlighted_int()

Allow to get the value of the currently highlighted identifier (in the current view) if it is an integer. If it not possible to make it match a type of integer (hex, oct or dec) or if nothing is highlighted the function return None.

Returns:the value currently highlighted.

list of weak references to the object (if defined)