Installation steps

Installing Bip

The script is made for installing Bip, it has been tested only on Windows and Linux, for making a default install:


This installer do not insall any plugins by default, but simply the core of Bip. By default the destination folder is the one use by IDA locally (%APPDATA%\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro\ for Windows and $HOME/.idapro for Linux and MacOSX).

It is possible to use an optional –dest argument for installing in a particular folder:

usage: [-h] [--dest DEST]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --dest DEST  Destination folder where to install Bip

Installing BipPlugin

Plugin written for Bip, which inherit from BipPlugin, can be loaded automatically when opening IDA. For a plugin to be loaded automatically it has to be present in the plugins/bipplugin folder. This folder will be created automatically when installing Bip in the destination folder of the installation, by default: %APPDATA%\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro\ for Windows and $HOME/.idapro for Linux.