
Contributions to Bip are welcome, it can be Issues, Feature Request or Pull Request (PR), all of those can be made on github. Those can concern the code but also the documentation, which has the goal to be clear and complete. The integrality of Bip is currently maintained by a unique person, so please take the time to read those and thank you in advance for your patience.

As general rules for Issues and Feature Request, provided a clear description, an example (with the line of the API and if needed the content of IDA) and if possible a way to reproduce or test it. Do not hesitate to propose an example of what you would like to have as an API in Bip. If you have it, an example of how to do it with the IDAPython API would be amazing.

Pull Request

For Pull Request, please provide a clear description of what your code does and, especially if it is a big PR, how you implemented it. The only release of IDA for which Bip is maintained is the last one, so be sure it works with it. No pull request will be merged in master if:

  • the code is not documented,
  • the code is not integrated in the documentation,
  • the code is not compatible for python2 and python3 (as long as both are supported in Bip),
  • there are no tests for the new functions/methods/classes/…

You can make a PR without those, however it will take some time for it to be merged because those will have to be written.

Regarding the code in itself, no hardline coding convention is enforced (for now) but please follow as much as possible those rules:

  • use 4 spaces instead of tabulation,
  • write python2 and python3 compatible code,
  • follow naming convention of Python (UpperCaseCamel for classes and lower_with_underscore for methods),
  • start the name of the class with Bip or Hx (for hexrays) or a clear prefix which identifies it (the goal is to avoid collisions with IDAPython and other python packages, as well as to make auto-completion easier),
  • write readable code (avoid nested list comprehension and so on),
  • simpler code is often better,
  • stay around 80 chars (a little more is fine).

Finally, if the PR introduces a breaking change (change in names of a method or a class, change in arguments, change in behavior, …), it has to log in the changelog including in this documentation. Further rules on breaking changes and Bip versions may be introduced.

Change of version

This is a checklist of things to do for a change of version in Bip:

  • change version in sphinx doc (docs/,
  • change Bip Python version (bip/,
  • change last stable version in README.rst,
  • check changelog is done and has the right version numbers,
  • check all tests pass in py2 and py3,
  • check the doc build correctly, build it and push it (for page).