
Types are used every where in IDA: data (BipData), functions (BipFunction), local variable (HxLvar) … In Bip all types are reprensented as an object which inherit from BipType. BipType objects can be recursive: a pointer will be represented by the BTypePtr which will contain a reference on the pointed type, a BTypeFunc in the case of a function pointer for example. All subclasses of BipType start with the prefix BType*.

For creating a new BipType the easiest way is to use the BipType.from_c() static method: it will create an object which inherit from BipType of the correct class from a string representing the C declaration of the type.

When recuperating a type from IDA (tinfo_t) Bip will try to determine the correct object much the same way it is done for the BipBaseElt when using GetElt(). This is made using the static method BipType.from_tinfo() and the class method for determining the correct class is BipType.is_handling_type().


Modifying types

Modifying types can have unexpected side effects. In particular the object recuperated through the API (Bip or IDAPython) may not be the one currently used. For avoiding those problems types are copied before setting them in most case by the Bip API. However recuperating a type while it is changed by another script or the IDA GUI will still make manipulation invalid.

Here is a quick descriptions of the different types implemented in Bip:

Type name Description
BTypeEmpty An empty type, should never happen but…
BTypePartial A type where the size is known but without any other information.
BTypeVoid The void type (not void* just void).
BTypeInt An int, can have different size, be signed or unsigned.
BTypeBool A boolean, can have different size.
BTypeFloat A float or double.
BTypePtr A pointer, recursive type, pointed() for getting the subtype.
BTypeArray An array, recursive type (BTypeArray.elt_type()), have a number of element.
BTypeFunc A function, recursive type for arguments and return value. Also access to the arguments name and their numbers.
BTypeStruct A structure, rescursive type for the members. This is different from BipStruct.
BTypeUnion A union, rescursive type for the members.
BTypeEnum An enum, bugged before IDA 7.3, implementation is not finished.

BipType API

class bip.base.BipType(tinfo)

Abstract class for representing a tinfo_t object from ida in bip. All basic types are subclasses of this one, the class name start with the prefix BType, see Type for more information.

The objects which inherit from BipType can contain other children BipType objects. For example a pointer (BTypePtr) will contain one child object corresponding to the pointed type. The children() property allow to get a list of the child object.


allow creation of types


General todo for types:

  • SSE
  • const

Base constructor for the child classes of BipType. This constructor is used for interfacing with IDA and initializing. A bip user should probably used the BipType.from_tinfo() function which will directly create the object of the correct class.

Parameters:tinfo – The tinfo_t representing the type in IDA.
_tinfo = None

Internal object which correspond to the tinfo_t object equivalent to this object in IDA.


Property which return the number of bytes in this type.

In case the number of bytes is unknown None is returned.


Property which return the C String equivalent to the type of this object. It will take into account the child type. This should never be empty (except for unknown ? TODO test).

Returns:A string which represent the type as in C.

Return true if this type has a name. This can be because of a typedef, a structure declaration, … The name can be recuperated with the BipType.name() property.


Property which return the name of this type if it has one. A type can a name because of a typedef, a structure, … If it does not have one this property will return an empty string. The presence of a named can be tested using the BipType.is_named() property.

Returns:A string corresponding to the name of this type. Empty if this type does not have a name.

Compare two BipType. This is only based on the compare of the IDA underlying object.


x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y

set_at(ea, flags=1)

Function which try to set the type of the current object at a given position, in particular this will work for global data and function. If an error occur when trying to set the type a RuntimeError will be raised.

This create a copy of the tinfo_t in this object.


delete flags and make something better here.

  • ea (int) – The address at which set the type.
  • flags (int) – This are the TINFO_* flags from ida_typeinf, by default TINFO_DEFINITE .
static is_set_at(ea)

This function allow to test if a type is defined at a particular address. This function will return False if a type is not set but ida may be able to guess it. This means that this function may return False while BipType.get_at() return a type, if this function return True BipType.get_at() should always return a type.

Parameters:ea – The address at which to make the test.
Returns:True if a type is defined at the address given in argument, False otherwise.
static get_at(ea=None)

Function which will create an object which inherit from BipType representing the type at the current address. This function will not set the type at the address given and it may not be set if it was guess by ida.

Internally this function will first try to get the type at the address, if no type are defined it will try to guess it. If ida is not able to guess it it will return None.


make something better when no type are set ?



Ida allow to guess the type but this “guess” ignore the fact that this may have been set. It seems necessary to use ida_nalt.get_tinfo for recuperating the type set, it will fail if no type has been set. If no type were set the guess_tinfo is then used, it will typically fail if the data is undefined, in this case None will be return. This may change in the future as by default a tinfo_t empty is true (but not the tinfo_t.is_unknown).

Parameters:ea – The address at which to get the type. If None the screen address will be used.
Returns:An object which inherit from BipType representing the type at the address given in argument. None will be return if no type is define and ida was not able to guess it .
static del_at(ea)

Function which delete the type set at a particular address.

Parameters:ea – The address at which to delete the type. If None the screen address will be used.

Property which return a list of children types. All elements of this list will be object which inherit from BipType.

Returns:A list of object inheriting from BipType which are “child” of this type.
classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
static from_tinfo(tinfo)

Function which convert a tinfo_t object from ida to one of the child object of BipType . This should be used for converting the type from IDA into their correct object for bip. This function is used as an interface with the IDA object.

If no BipType child object supports the tinfo_t a ValueError exception will be raised. Internally this use the _get_class_bip_type() function.

This create a copy of the underlying tinfo_t object, this allow to avoid problems if when using the IdaPython API or the GUI from IDA the type is change. This is a problem because it means bip should dynamically change the class of the object and even if possible this will create an error prone API. Instead types are handle by copy instead of by reference, and interface with other bip object take this into account. For creating an object of the correct class without a copy the from_tinfo_no_copy() can be used by is subject to the above problems.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t from ida.
Returns:The equivalent object to the tinfo_t for bip. This will be an object which inherit from BipType .
static from_tinfo_no_copy(tinfo)

Function which convert a tinfo_t object from ida to one of the child object of BipType .

If no BipType child object supports the tinfo_t a ValueError exception will be raised. Internally this use the _get_class_bip_type() function.


This function does not create a copy of the underlying tinfo_t object which can create several problems when using the GUI or the IdaPython/IDC API. For creating a copy of the object use the from_tinfo() instead.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t from ida.
Returns:The equivalent object to the tinfo_t for bip. This will be an object which inherit from BipType .
static from_c(cstr, flags=1025)

Function which convert a C string declaration into a object which inherit from a BipType . If there is no ; at the end of the string provided, one will be added automatically.

This is made for parsing one declaration and can create problem if several declarations are in the string.

  • cstr (str) – A string representing a declaration in C.
  • flags (int) – PT_* flags from IDA (see typeinf.hpp). The default is 0x401 (PT_RAWARGS | PT_SIL) should be enough in most case.

An object which inherit from BipType equivalent to the C declaration.


RuntimeError – if the function was not able to create the type.

static import_c_header(path, pack=0, raw_args=True, silent=False, autoimport=True)

Import a C header file.

  • path (str) – The path to the C header file to import.
  • pack (int) – The packing for the structure in the header. 0 means default (from compiler/configuration), other values are power of 2 up to 16. No verification is made on that value.
  • raw_args (bool) – Should leave the name of the argument unchanged: do not remove the _ in the name. True by default.
  • silent (bool) – Should silently fails on error and mask warnings.
  • autoimport (bool) – If True (the default), this function will import all new types in the IDB (“Structures”, “Enums”, … Views), instead of only keeping them in the type library (til, the “Local Types” view).

The number of error which occur during parsing.

static _get_class_bip_type(tinfo)

Internal function which allow to recuperate the correct child class of BipType corresponding to tinfo_t object from ida. This is used internally for converting the type from IDA into their correct object for bip. This function is used as an interface with the IDA object.

If no BipType child object supports the tinfo_t a ValueError exception will be raised.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t from ida.
Returns:The bip class which should be used as equivalent for the tinfo_t provided as argument. This will be an object which inherit from BipType .

Return a copy of the ida type (tinfo_t) represented by this object. This is an internal function which is used as an helper for setting the types of an element from a BipType

Returns:A copy of the tinfo_t represented by this object.

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class bip.base.BTypeEmpty(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a type with no information (empty or unknown). This is really used by IDA including in structures and so on.

classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypePartial(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a partial type: when only the size is known but no other information is available.

classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeVoid(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a void.

classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeInt(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for an integer, it can be signed or unsigned and may have different size().


Property which return True if the integer is signed and false if it is unsigned.


Property which return True if the integer is unsigned and false if it is signed.

classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeBool(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a boolean (bool). All boolean do not have the same size() .

classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeFloat(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a float or a double.


Property which return true if this type represent a double (by opposition to a float).


Property which return true if this type represent a float (by opposition to a double).

classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypePtr(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a pointer. This is a recursive type, it is possible to have the pointed type with the property pointed() .


Property which return the type pointed by this type.

Returns:An object which inherit from BipType class.

Property which return true if this type is a pointer on void (void *).


Property which return true if this type is a pointer on a function.

classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeArray(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for an array (a static array: int[8] for example). This is a recursive type, it is poissible to have the type of the elements with the property elt_type() .


The array (and in particular the array_type_data_t from IDA) have a base property. Not really sure what that is, when or how it is used. It is possible to access it using _array_info() then accessing the property base if needed.


Property which return array_type_data_t object from ida associated with this object. This is only for interfacing with IDA and should probably not be used directly from bip.

This is used by the other method/property of BTypeArray .


Property which returns the type of the elements in the type array.

Returns:An object which inherit from BipType class.

Property which returns the number of elements in the type array.

Returns:An int.
classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeFunc(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a function. This is a recursive type, it is poissible to have the type of the return value using the return_type() property and the type of the arguments using the method get_arg_type() or the property args_type().

Other methods are available allowing to access the name of the arguments (get_arg_name()).


everything about arguments (ida_typeinf.funcarg_t): * location * cmt * flags * compare


calling convention


everything in func_type_data_t


spoiled registers


stack link (once stack is implemented)


does function return ?


flags for function type


return location


setter for arg (name, type, cmt, …)


setter for return value (type)


the handling of the arguments may have to be change


helper for if the function return void (and maybe other: a ptr and so on)


Internal property which allow to get the func_type_data_t for this type function.

Returns:the ida_typeinf.func_type_data_t for this object.

Get the name of an argument.

Parameters:pos (int) – The position of the argument (start at 0).
Returns:The name of the argument at pos for this function type. If the argument does not have a name the empty string will be returned.

Get the BipType object corresponding to the type of an argument.

Returns:An object which inherit from BipType class.

Property which return the number of arguments that this function type posess.

Returns:An int.

Property which return a list of the BipType object for the argument of this function.

Returns:A list of objects which inherit from BipType class.
Property which return the BipType object corresponding
to the type of the return of this function.
Returns:An object which inherit from BipType class.

Property which return a list of children types. All elements of this list will be object which inherit from BipType.

First element is the return type followed by the argument types. The length of this property is variable depending of the function type but will always be equal to nb_args + 1 .

Returns:A list of object inheriting from BipType which are “child” of this type.
classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeStruct(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for a structure. This is a recursive type, each member of the struct posess its own types.

It is possible to get the name of the member using the get_member_name() method, it is also possible to get the type using the get_member_type() method or the members_type() property (which return a list), the members_info() return a dictionary with the name of the members as key and their type as value.


link to struct in bip


anonymous udt ?


everything in ida_typeinf.udt_type_data_t


everything in udt_member_t for the members. Change the handling of the members ?


allow to get the offset of a member from its name and/or index.


Internal property which allow to get the udt_type_data_t for this type structure.


Carefull to this! The information contain in this object (such as the types) do not reference the udt_type_data_t object. Meaning that as soon as the udt_type_data_t object is delete by python, all the subobject will be deleted. All of those should be copied before the python object is destroyed or we may trigger use-after-free. For problematic of swig and memory management see http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Python.html#Python_nn30.

Returns:the ida_typeinf.udt_type_data_t for this object.

Get the name of a member.

Parameters:num (int) – The number corresponding to the member. This is not the offset of the member but its index in the struct, this index start at 0 up to the nb_members() minus one.
Returns:The name of the num member for this struct type.

Get the BipType object corresponding to the type of a member.


handle the recuperation of a member by name ?

Parameters:num (int) – The number corresponding to the member. This is not the offset of the member but its index in the struct, this index start at 0 up to the nb_members() minus one.
Returns:An object which inherit from BipType class.

Property which return the number of members present in the type structure.

Returns:an int.

Property which return a list of the BipType object for the members of this struct.

Returns:A list of objects which inherit from BipType class.

Property which return a dict providing information about the members of this struct. The keys of the dict correspond to their name (str) and the values to their type (BipType).


Property which return a list of children types. All elements of this list will be object which inherit from BipType.

This contain the type of the members and is equivalent to members_type()

Returns:A list of object inheriting from BipType which are “child” of this type.
classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeUnion(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for an union, this is a recursive type which can have several members.


at the exception of the doc this is duplicate code for most of the methods with BTypeStruct, this should be fix. The simplest way would be to create a common parent class.


Internal property which allow to get the udt_type_data_t for this union.


Carefull to this! The information contain in this object (such as the types) do not reference the udt_type_data_t object. Meaning that as soon as the udt_type_data_t object is delete by python, all the subobject will be deleted. All of those should be copied before the python object is destroyed or we may trigger use-after-free. For problematic of swig and memory management see http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Python.html#Python_nn30.

Returns:the ida_typeinf.udt_type_data_t for this object.

Get the name of a member.

Parameters:num (int) – The number corresponding to the member. This is its index in the enum, this index start at 0 up to the nb_members() minus one.
Returns:The name of the num member for this struct type.

Get the BipType object corresponding to the type of a member.


handle the recuperation of a member by name ?

Parameters:num (int) – The number corresponding to the member. This is the index in the enum, this index start at 0 up to the nb_members() minus one.
Returns:An object which inherit from BipType class.

Property which return the number of members present in the enum.

Returns:an int.

Property which return a list of the BipType object for the members of this enum.

Returns:A list of objects which inherit from BipType class.

Property which return a dict providing information about the members of this enum. The keys of the dict correspond to their name (str) and the values to their type (BipType).


Property which return a list of children types. All elements of this list will be object which inherit from BipType.

This contain the type of the members and is equivalent to members_type()

Returns:A list of object inheriting from BipType which are “child” of this type.
classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.
class bip.base.BTypeEnum(tinfo)

Class which represent the BipType for an enum.


IDA BUG: its not possible to get the info about the enum members because the enum_type_data_t type which should be a vector on enum_member_t has apparently not been implemented in the IdaPython API.


Internal property which allow to get the enum_type_data_t for this enum.

Returns:the ida_typeinf.enum_type_data_t for this object.
classmethod is_handling_type(tinfo)

Class method which allow to test if this class support a particular type info (IDA tinfo_t). Return True if the function handle the type, false otherwise.

Parameters:tinfo – A tinfo_t swig object from idapython.
Returns:A boolean.