.. Bip documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jul 27 08:36:06 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to Bip's documentation! ############################### Bip is a project which aimed to simplify the usage of python for interacting with IDA. Its main goals are to facilitate the usage of python in the interactive console of IDA and for writing plugins. In a more general way the goal is to automate the recurrent task done through the python API. Bip is also developxped for providing a more oriented object, a "python-like" API and a *real* documentation. This code is not complete, and a lot of features are still missing. Development is prioritized on what people ask for and what the developers use, so do not hesitate to make PR, Feature Request and Issues (including for the documentation), see :ref:`general-contrib` for more information. This documentation is split in several parts. The `General`_ part should allow you to start with the project including the install (:ref:`general-install`) and an overview (:ref:`general-overview`) which explain how to use it. The :ref:`general-archi` allows to get a better understanding of how the project works and was intended to be used. The main part of the documentation is split in the three parts of bip: :ref:`index-base` containing the basic interfaces, the :ref:`index-hexrays` for manipulating hexrays functions and the :ref:`index-gui` containing interface with the graphics and explaining how to developed plugins. This is mainly autodocumentation of bip objects with precisions about usage and potentially internals when necessary. General ======= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 general/install general/overview general/archi general/contribution general/changelog .. _index-base: Base interface (``bip.base``) ============================= This regroup the part about the base interface on top of the IDA basic API. All classes in this part are regroup in the ``bip.base`` module. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 base/elt base/instr base/data base/func base/xref base/struct base/enum base/type base/bipidb base/bipida .. _index-hexrays: Hexrays interface (``bip.hexrays``) =================================== This regroup the interface on top of the IDA Hexrays API, in particular it allows to visit the AST generated for the functions. This module will be useful only if the decompiler for the binary exist and is installed. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 hexrays/cfunc hexrays/lvar hexrays/astnodes hexrays/cnode hexrays/visit_hx .. _index-gui: GUI & Plugins interface (``bip.gui``) ===================================== This part regroup all the functions and classes made for interfacing with the UI and events of IDA. The most important part of this module is probably the :class:`BipPlugin` which allow to create plugins and to define actions in IDA. While bip can be used in normal IDA plugin and scripts, the :class:`BipPlugin` is the central element for interfacing with the GUI using bip. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 gui/plugin gui/plgmanager gui/activity gui/userselect Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`