Structures ########## .. module:: bip.base This part describe the structures (:class:`BipStruct`) and structure members (:class:`BStructMember`). This two objects inherit from :class:`BipRefElt` which make them able to be referenced by xref and possible to recuperate using the :func:`GetElt` function. Those classes represent the element view in the ``Struct`` tab. of IDA and are different from the :class:`BipType` which is used for referencing the type of some elements in IDA, however they are obviously linked. Except xrefs the most common way to get a structure is using the :meth:`~BipStruct.get` class method which expect its name. For creating one the :meth:`~BipStruct.create` class method is available. Once a struct has been recuperated it is possible to access the members as a dict by using their name or their offset (this is not a list and so it is the offset of the member which is expected not its index). BipStruct API ============= .. autoclass:: BipStruct :members: :member-order: bysource :special-members: :private-members: .. automethod:: __init__ BStructMember API ================= .. autoclass:: BStructMember :members: :member-order: bysource :special-members: :private-members: .. automethod:: __init__